Feathers, oil on marble, twelve panels, 12"x12" each, 2013
About the Series
Accessing large collections of birds’ nests and feathers, this series of paintings references the exponential accumulation and decomposition of organic matter by incorporating the Fibonacci principle, a mathematical sequence in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers and reveals patterns in nature related to the Fibonacci spiral.

One Hawk, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Two Finch, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Three Raven, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Five Dove, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Eight Rooster, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Thirteen Guinea Hen, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Twenty-one Seagull, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Thirty-four Owl, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Eighty-nine Sparrow, marble, 12"x12", 2013

Fifty-five Duck, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

One hundred and forty-four Pheasant, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Two hundred and thirty-three Turkey, oil on marble, 12"x12", 2013

Unburden, oil on canvas, 48in x 52in, 2012

Disperse, oil on canvas, 48in x 52in, 2012

Submerge, oil on canvas, 48in x 52in, 2013

Shelter, oil on canvas, 36in x 30in, 2013

Litter, oil on canvas, 24in x 24in, 2013

Heat, oil on canvas, 36in x 30in, 2013