October 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in
About the Series
Nothing is the Same is a series of paintings that evolved over a period of seven years from 1998-2005. The paintings are repeated panoramic views of a mountain range and valley located in Southern California. The paintings reflect changing conditions in light, weather, time, seasons, natural catastrophes, and urban development.
I observed this scene during the torrential rains of an ‘el niño’ in 1998 through the firestorms of 2003. I watched the valley change from an agricultural community to the focus of an expanding casino. I studied the mountain range when it disappeared in a summer haze of 100° heat and when it reappeared after a winter storm with snow-dusted peaks. I stood on the point overlooking this site from one millennium to the next at all hours of day and night, season to season, in the wind, fog, rain, heat, and cold.
The changes were sometimes dramatic, but more often the daily pace of the mountain and valley was subtle and unassuming. The paintings are arranged in groups from pre-dawn to midnight with all of the changes that occur in between. As each moment is altered by both natural and artificial forces, reality is not certainty. Rather, it is a fleeting, momentary abstraction of the perception of space. There are a total of forty-five paintings with no two paintings alike.
oil on canvas, 45 panels, 18”x 33” each

March 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

October 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

August 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

January 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

September 1999, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

March 2000, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

September 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

May 2000, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

February 1999, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

July 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

January 1999, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

August 1999, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

July 1999, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

March 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

February 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

June 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

April 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

May 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

December 1998, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

April 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

June 2004, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

June 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

July 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

August 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

November 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

October 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

October 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

February 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

May 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

March 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

February 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

July 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

January 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

September 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

October 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

May 2002, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

February 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

July 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

June 2001, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

December 2003, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

August 2004, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

July 2004, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

February 2004, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in

January 2004, oil on canvas, 18in x 33in